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L9 Four Seasons in Japan

単語Unit 11 単語チェック

Unit 11 This Year’s Memories
Unit 11 This Year’s Memories

単語チェック 意味 PDFファイル

Unit 11 This Year’s Memories
Unit 11 This Year’s Memories

単語チェック スペル PDFファイル

Unit 11 This Year’s Memories
Unit 11 This Year’s Memories

単語チェック 答え PDFファイル


In January, we had a rookies' game, but we lost.
We were sad.
In July, we went to Lake Sakura.
There is a campground near the lake.
On the first day of school, I was really nervous.
My heart was beating fast.

Story 1

Kaito: I joined the soccer team in April.
At first, I was really tired after practice, but I tried hard.
In January, we had a rookies' game.
It was my first game against another school.
Asami.Wow. Were you a starter?
Kaito: No, I wasn't.
I played from the second half.
Asami: I see. How was the game?
Kaito: We did our best, but we lost to.
We were all sad, but maybe we can win the next game!
Asami: I hope so!

Story 2

Josh: In July, we went to Lake Sakura on our school camping trip.
Lake Sakura is at the foot of Mt. Asahi.
Ms. Cook: Is there a campground near the lake?
Josh: Yes, there is.
There are showers and outdoor kitchens, too.
So we set up tents and stayed for two nights.
Ms. Cook: Sounds like fun!
Was it beautiful there?
Josh: Yes, but there was some trash near the lake, so we picked it up.
Ms. Cook: Good job.

Story 3

Meg: Hey, Kaito.
I didn't see you during lunchbreak.
What were you doing?
Kaito: I was playing soccer outside.
Were you looking for me?
Meg: Yes.
I wanted to show this to you.
I made a photo album for this year.
Kaito: Wow.
These pictures bring back a lot of memories.
Meg: I know.
On the first day of school, I was really nervous.
My heart was beating fast on my way to school.
Now I enjoy each day with you all.

Unit Activity

A: Where were you at p.m. last Sunday?
B: I was at home.
A: What were you doing?
B: I was practicing the piano.

Sunday, February 13
It was sunny, but I stayed at home all day.
I cleaned my room in the morning.
After lunch, I practiced the piano.
In the evening, I did my homework.
I was tired.

Wednesday, February 16
It was cold and snowy.
I got to school at 7:50.
There was a lot of snow in the schoolyard.
Miho was making a snowman.
I helped her.
We had a good time.

Let's Talk 4 レストラン 注文する

Server: What would you like?
Meg: I'd like corn soup, a salad, and a steak.
Server: What would you like to drink?
Meg: Just water, please.
Server: Would you like some dessert?
Meg: No, thank you.
I'm full.
Meg: It was delicious.
Thank you.
Server: My pleasure.

Stage Activity 3 My Favorite Event This Year

My favorite event this year was our sports day.
It was in June.
I can run fast, so I Fan in the relay.
Another runner was just behind me.
But I ran and ran, and our team won first place.
I was so happy.
I enjoyed the day very much.

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