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L6 My Family in the UK

単語Unit 6 単語チェック

Unit 6 A Speech about My Brother
Unit 6 A Speech about My Brother
Unit 6 A Speech about My Brother
Unit 6 A Speech about My Brother
Unit 6 A Speech about My Brother

単語チェック 意味 PDFファイル

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単語チェック 答え PDFファイル

Unit6 Preview

This is Takuya, my brother.
He lives in the Philippines.
Does he like scuba diving?
Yes, he does.

Unit6 Story 1

Hello, everyone.
Look at this picture.
This is Takuya, my brother.
He's twenty years old.
He lives in Cebu, the Philippines.
He studies English at a language school there.
He meets many Asian students at school.
Takuya goes to school on weekdays, and sometimes enjoys scuba diving on weekends.
Cebu has many beautiful beaches.
He and his friends go diving together.
He really likes Cebu.


Unit6 Story 2

Takuya writes a blog about school life, local food, nature, and nice spots for diving in Cebu.
He doesn't write very often, but he gets a lot of nice comments.
I enjoy his blog very much.
Takuya usually posts pictures on his blog, but he can't take pictures in the sea.
He doesn't have a waterproof camera.
So he wants one.
He really loves the beautiful sea life.
Thank you.

Unit6 Story 3

Asami: Does anyone have any questions?
Kaito: Yes.
Does he like Filipino food?
Asami: Yes, he does.
He likes sinigang.
It's a sour soup.
Kaito: Really?
What does he like for dessert?
Asami: Halo-halo.
It's like a parfait.
It's a mix of ice cream, fruit, sweet beans, shaved ice, and so on.
Kaito: Does halo-halo mean “parfait” in Filipino?
Asami: No, it doesn't.
It means mix.
Kaito: That's interesting!

Let's Talk 1 お願い

Meg: Oh, it's hot in this room.
Can I turn on the fan?
Dad: Sure.
No problem.
Meg: Dad, can you help me with my homework?
Dad: All right.
Just a moment.

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