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L5 Our New Friend from India

単語Unit5 単語チェック

Unit 5 A Japanese Summer Festival
Unit 5 A Japanese Summer Festival

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Unit 5 A Japanese Summer Festival
Unit 5 A Japanese Summer Festival

単語チェック スペル PDFファイル

Unit 5 A Japanese Summer Festival

単語チェック 答え PDFファイル

Unit5 Part1

Josh: This park is usually quiet, but it's very crowded today!
Asami: Do you often come here?
Josh: Yes.
I jog with my dog around the pond.
Josh: Look!
Meg is by the bench.
Over there.
The bench under the tree.
Asami: Oh. Hi, Meg!
Nice yukata.
I like your hair, too.
Meg: Thank you.
Josh: Where's Kaito?
Meg: Look at the people on the stage.
The boy in the black yukata is Kaito.

Unit5 Part2

Asami: Josh, you're good at dancing!
Josh: Thanks.
I like dancing.
Come on, Asami.
Let's dance together.
Asami: Umm.
No, thank you.
I'm not good at dancing.
Josh: Don't be shy.
You can do it!
Asami: OK.

Josh: Oh, I'm hungry.
Let's eat something.
I want to have yakisoba, fried noodles.
Asami: That's a good idea.
I'm thirsty, too.
I need some juice.

Unit5 Part3

Yesterday, I went to the summer festival with Asami, Josh, and Kaito.
We enjoyed dancing there.
I ate a big candy apple.
It was delicious.
At the end of the festival, we saw lots of wonderful fireworks.
We had a great time.
In Australia, summer is from December to February.
I went to Sydney Festival in January.
So I enjoyed two summer festivals this year!

Stage Activity 1

I'm Ito Kota.
I like soccer.
I'm on the soccer team.
I want to be a starter, so I practice hard.
I'm a big fan of Kubota Satoshi.
He's a famous soccer player.
Who's your favorite player?
Please tell me.
What's your favorite subject?
Do you like sports?
Can you cook takoyaki?
Who's your hero?

Small Talk 1

Where's your favorite place in our town?
When's your birthday?
How do you come to school?
What do you usually have for breakfast?
How many books do you have?
What time do you usually get home?
What food do you like?
Do you like singing?
What do you want to eat now?
Which do you want, a dog or a cat?
Does he [she] play any sports?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?

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