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L4 Field Trip

単語Unit4 単語チェック

Unit 4 Friends in New Zealand
Unit 4

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Unit 4 Friends in New Zealand
Unit 4 Friends in New Zealand

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Unit 4 Friends in New Zealand

単語チェック 答え PDFファイル

Unit4 Part1

Ms. Cook!: OK, Asami.
It's your turn.
Come to the front, please.
Asami: Me? Oh, no.
Ms. Cook: Be brave.
Asami: I'm so nervous.
Ms. Cook: Don't worry.
Enjoy yourself.

Asami: Hello.
My name is Saito Asami.
David: Hello.
I'm David Green.
How are you?
Asami: I'm good, but it's hot today in Japan.
How's the weather in New Zealand?
David: It's winter here, so it's a little cold.
Asami: Oh, really?

Unit4 Part2

Asami: It's 9 a.m.in Japan now.
What time is it in New Zealand?
David: It's noon.
Asami: Wow, noon.
Are you hungry?
David: No. We have morning tea.
So I'm not hungry.
Asami: What's morning tea?
David: It's a short break after second period.
We eat some fruit or snacks during the break.
Asami: That's interesting!
What time do you have lunch?
David: At one.

Unit4 Part3

Kaito: What animals can we see in New Zealand?
Emma: You can see sheep, kiwis, .
Kaito: Kiwis? Kiwis are fruit, right?
Emma: Yes, but kiwis are birds, too.
They're brown and round like kiwi fruits.
They're our national symbol.
Kaito: I see.

Kaito: What sport do you like?
Emma: I like netball.
I'm on the netball team.
Kaito: Netball?
Emma: It's a sport like basketball.
Kaito: Really? I play soccer.
Emma: You mean football.

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